July 2021


🌡️ Temperature

In the UK, July 2021 was very hot. 🌡️

  • The average temperature in July 2021 was 17.7°C.
  • That's 1.7°C hotter than the average of 16°C.
  • This puts it in the 90th percentile for heat, as the 37th hottest July on record.
Distribution of average July temperatures (1659 - 2021)

The hottest July ever was in 2006, when it averaged 19.7°C, and the coldest year was 1816 at 13.4°C.

🌧️ Rainfall

In the UK, July 2021 was wet. 🌧️

  • The total rainfall in July 2021 was 90.5mm.
  • That's 11.8mm wetter than the average of 78.7mm.
  • This puts it in the 65th percentile for rainfall, as the 89th wettest July on record.
Distribution of total July rainfall (1769 - 2021)

The wettest July ever was in 1828, when rainfall totalled 182.6mm, and the driest year was 1825 at 8.2mm.

☀️ Sunlight

In the UK, July 2021 was sunny. ☀️

  • In July 2021 there were191.6 hours of sunshine.
  • That's 26.7 hours more sunshine than the average of 164.9 hours.
  • This puts it in the 78th percentile for sunshine, as the 23rd sunniest July on record.
Distribution of July sunshine hours in (1920 - 2022)

The sunniest July ever was in 1955, when there were 256.9 hours of sunshine, and the least sunny year was 2022 with 0 hours of sunshine.