February 2021
🌡️ Temperature
In the UK, February 2021 was hot. 🌡️
- The average temperature in February 2021 was 5.1°C.
- That's 1.2°C hotter than the average of 3.9°C.
- This puts it in the 72nd percentile for heat, as the 100th hottest February on record.
The hottest February ever was in 1779, when it averaged 7.9°C, and the coldest year was 1947 at -1.9°C.
🌧️ Rainfall
In the UK, February 2021 was wet. 🌧️
- The total rainfall in February 2021 was 78.9mm.
- That's 13.8mm wetter than the average of 65.1mm.
- This puts it in the 66th percentile for rainfall, as the 85th wettest February on record.
The wettest February ever was in 2020, when rainfall totalled 169.5mm, and the driest year was 1891 at 3.6mm.
☀️ Sunlight
In the UK, February 2021 was sunny. ☀️
- In February 2021 there were72.1 hours of sunshine.
- That's 6.5 hours more sunshine than the average of 65.6 hours.
- This puts it in the 69th percentile for sunshine, as the 32nd sunniest February on record.
The sunniest February ever was in 2008, when there were 101.3 hours of sunshine, and the least sunny year was 2022 with 0 hours of sunshine.